Casa Antoncich

A Cultural History

“Don Antonio Antoncich’s house on Cerro Alegre in Valparaíso, Chile, was one of the most important musical halls of the first decades of the 20th century”

Antonio Antoncich

The story of how Antonio Antoncich  assembled one of South America’s greatest collections of stringed instruments – in his Valparaiso house

Antoncich left his home in the Croatian fishing village, Veli Losinj, and emigrated to Chile in 1892. He went to work in the mining industry, settling first in Iquique and then in Antofagasta in the north of the country.

History of the house

The original casa Antoncich – Miramar 410 – was built in 1861 and has survived major earthquakes in 1906, 1985 and 2010. It was the first house built in that part of Cerro Alegre, as is visible from the early photographs

It was here that the original Monday evening recitals began in 1918. Initially these were modest enough events, with local musicians – trios and quartets, performing. But they were important events and one of the few regular live classical performances anywhere in Chile. For European immigrants in Valparaiso this was a unique opportunity to maintain a cultural bond with their country of origin, and an opportunity for Chileans to experience it too.

The music

The original casa Antoncich – Miramar 410 – was built in 1861 and has survived major earthquakes in 1906, 1985 and 2010. It was the first house built in that part of Cerro Alegre, as is visible from the early photographs

In 1918 Antoncich began hosting weekly concerts at his home. These rapidly became a fixture for many of the local European immigrants who had an appetite for hearing classical music. These were the days before recording devices and so live music was the only way of experiencing music.

The instruments

From humble beginnings, Antonio Antoncich made his fortune in the New World and assembled one of South America’s greatest collections of stringed instruments.

Atonio Antoncich Craglietto was born into a modest family in the small Croatian fishing village Veli Lošinj on November 22, 1868, the day of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of music and musicians. This may have been fate, as music and musical instruments were to be the great passions of his life. 

Contact Info


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For sale inquiries contact:

Conrado González

Jefe Comercial de Valparaíso | Nuevos Negocios

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Mobile +56 9 7644 0630

El Regidor 66, piso 12 | Las Condes – Santiago | Chile